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Who we are

BNTAC was formed in 2013 to represent the collective interests of Banjima people. As the native title prescribed body corporate (RNTBC), BNTAC will seek to safeguard and strengthen our native title agreements and in turn seek to ensure the Banjima people are gaining real benefit from the activity that happens on Country.

Our vision remains the same. To see the Banjima People grow as a strong, prosperous, and self-determined community. Through our relationships with our members and partners, we aim to create opportunities guided by their needs. For more information on how we work, please view our Strategic Plan for 2021-2026.

How we carry out our RNTBC responsibilities

Recognising the rich heritage of the Banjima people, our organisation is deeply committed to upholding traditional decision-making processes and preserving Banjima Lore and Culture. We prioritise regular engagement with the Banjima Community, its councils, and committees, ensuring that their wisdom and insights shape our organisation's core.

In accordance with our Rule Book, we uphold good governance practices that not only align with regulatory requirements but also reflect our deep respect for the Banjima community. The Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 (CATSI Act) guides our operations, ensuring transparency, accountability, and compliance.

We diligently oversee all Indigenous Land Use Agreements (ILUAs) between Banjima and mining companies, ensuring that these agreements are not only honoured but also implemented with utmost care. Recognising the long-lasting impact that mining and development activities can have on Banjima Country, we are committed to minimising these effects. Through comprehensive heritage survey work, we safeguard significant cultural areas and sites, preserving the invaluable heritage of the Banjima people.

As a RNTBC (Registered Native Title Body Corporate), we take great pride in creating programs that foster a deep connection to Country and provide unwavering support for Banjima culture. These initiatives are designed to celebrate and nurture the cultural identity of the Banjima community, ensuring its resilience and continuity for generations to come.